Rabu, 04 April 2012


Hey everyone,, bagi-bagi kabar nih...
Buat yang punya cita-cita jadi peraawat profesional atau mau kerja di bidang kesehatan, boleh nih ada pendaftaran siswa baru bagi SMK DHARMAWANGSA dan AKPER PEMDA CIANJUR.

Senin, 02 April 2012

6 HOW slimming waist

6 Ways to slim waist - Sense of Minder may sometimes hit some of you who have a waist that is not proportional shape.Understandably, your appearance is a reflection of your attitude in public. Here I will give some feedback for you on how to slim the waist. Here it is:


In order intake remained balanced diet, vegetables are an important food that must be listed on your daily menu. But, what happens if it is an important substance tersebt not included in the list of your favorite dishes? so ... Here are some tips you can try to overcome it. 


POSITION FOR SLEEP GOOD HEALTH-Shine As quoted from the page, that the sleeping position affects health if done incorrectly.Therefore, I would be treated the sleeping position as to whether that is good for health. Well just go ahead, here's some good sleeping position!

9 WAYS WITHOUT DIET slimming - slimming Without Diet - No Diet Can slimming.

Body would succeed without the hassle of doing the diet? Of course everyone would want, if you are also interested ..! Please follow the instructions below. 

Thanks Fit body Spinach

You still remember the cartoon Popeye The Sailorman? The main character of the film, narrated very fond Popeye eating spinach, and have a super power.
Actually what is, is contained in the leaves of spinach makes Popeye look stocky body and fit every time he ate? 

Traditional medicine Chicken Pox

 Traditional medicine Chickenpox - Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by infection with varicella-zoster virus.Transmission can be through the air, respiratory fluid, or skincontact with smallpox patients. (wikipedia).

Tips When Eating Meat Goat

Tips When Eating Meat Goat - I soon felt Eid sacrifice. Has become a tradition after the sacrifice takes place each family will serve all-beef dishes to be eaten together, including processed meats kambing.Aneka of goat meat is much in demand, especially by men. Many believe that goat meat can increase sexual vitality.

Fruit Goji Berry Benefits to Your Health

  Benefits of Goji Berry - In recent years a variety of fruit juice gojiberry ads adorn the crowded screen. They claim that their products are made ​​from goji berry fruit is rich in anti oxidants. Really?

Many Indonesian people are not familiar with goji berry fruit. It is not the goji berry is native to Indonesia. Goji berry is well known andwidely cultivated in China, Japan, Tibet, USA, Thailand, Vietnam,and India.

So what are the health benefits of goji berry?
Berry goji berries contain nutrients that are very diverse, such ascarbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, energy, minerals, amino acids,and various vitamins and phenolic pigments associated with anti-oxidants.

Many health benefits derived from the fruit of the goji berry, which can lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, delay the aging process, increase sexual vitality, reduce headaches, insomnia,

Penggolongan Obat pada Sistem Uterotonika

Uterotonik adalah zat yang meningkatkan kontraksi uterus. Uterotonik banyak digunakan untuk induksi, penguatan persalinan, pencegahan serta penanganan perdarahan post partum, pengendapan perdarahan akibat abortus inkompletikus dan penanganan aktif pada Kala III persalinan. Uterotonik yang bisa digunakan ada 3
macam, yaitu :

Penggolongan Obat Sistem Pernafasan

Memang ini bukan hasil saya sendiri, tetapi bisa lah buat rekan semua untuk menambah ilmu. Ini saya dapatkan dari hasil googling dan juga study perpustakaan. Jadi silahkan bagi rekan-rekan yang memang berminat pada potingan saya,saya sangat senang.

Situs Megalitikum Gunung Padang Cianjur

Situs Gunung Padang di Kampung Gunung Padang dan Kampung Panggulan, Desa Karyamukti Kecamatan Campaka, Cianjur, merupakan situs megalitik berbentuk punden berundak yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Ini mengingat luas bangunan purbakalanya sekitar 900 m2 dengan luas areal situs sendiri kurang lebih sekitar 3 ha.

Keberadaan situs ini peratama kali muncul dalam laporan Rapporten van de oudheid-kundigen Dienst (ROD), tahun 1914, selanjutnya dilaporkan NJ Krom tahun 1949. pada tahun 1979 aparat terkait dalam hal pembinaan dan penelitian bend cagar budaya yaitu penilik kebudayaan setempat disusul oleh ditlinbinjarah dan Pulit Arkenas melakukan peninjauan ke lokasi situs. Sejak saat itu upaya penelitian terhadap situs Gunung Padang mulai dilakukan baik dari sudut arkeologis, historis, geologis dan lainnya. 

Kata Kunci pada Pencaran Artikel

Anda masih ingat bukan, bahwa content merupakan sebuah pondasi blog yang sangat kuat. Nah, bagaimana jika content blog anda merupakan jenis artikel yang sering dicari oleh orang, pasti anda senang bukan, karena anda akan mendapatkan pengunjung dan content anda bermanfaat bagi orang lain.


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Minggu, 01 April 2012

Nurses working attitude

Nurses working attitude

A. Understanding Attitudes Working Nurses
Gibson (1997), describes attitudes as positive or negative feelings or mental condition that is always prepared, studied and regulated through the experiences that give special effects on a person's response to the person, object or situation. Attitude is more of a determinant for the behavior, attitudes relating to perception, personality and motivation.

Diseases of the Lipid Metabolism


Wolman disease
Wolman disease is a hereditary disease that occurs when a certain type of cholesterol dangliserida accumulate in the tissues.
The disease causes enlargement of the spleen and liver enlargement. Calcium deposits cause the adrenal glands in dalamkelenjar be hard, it could happen steatorrhea (fatty stools).Infants with Wolman disease usually die within 6 months of age.