Nurses working attitude
A. Understanding Attitudes Working Nurses
Gibson (1997), describes attitudes as positive or negative feelings or mental condition that is always prepared, studied and regulated through the experiences that give special effects on a person's response to the person, object or situation. Attitude is more of a determinant for the behavior, attitudes relating to perception, personality and motivation.
sada (2000), describes the attitude of the work is the action to be taken and the employee must do everything that the employee is that the results are worth the effort. For example, if you divide responsibilities between top management with employees from the viewpoint of the work. Both are clearly different. Management should bear responsibility for the product or service but the employee only at the process of how to make products or services.If the process is correct then the result would be good.
ikap work can be used as an indicator of whether a job is going well or not. If the attitude of a job well done job will run smoothly. If it does not mean it will run into trouble. But keep in mind, it does not mean there is not compliance with difficulty because of work attitudes, but there are other problems in the relationship between employee work attitudes negligible effect. Should always keep in mind the process will determine the final outcome.
Aniek (2005) describes as the tendency of the mind working attitude and a sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his work.Indications of employees who were satisfied on the job, will work hard, honestly, do not be lazy and go forward perusahaana. Instead of employees who are not satisfied on the job will be to work around, willing to work if there is oversight, dishonest, which could ultimately hurt the company.
Perwat working attitude shown in the hospital is care services.Setyaningsih (2003), describes the nursing care as an essential part of health services that includes aspects of bio-psycho-social-spiritual comprehensive shown to individuals, families or communities are healthy and the sick that includes human life cycle.International Council of Nurses (Setianingsih, 2003), explained that nursing is a unique function to help the sick or healthy individuals with a performance-related activities keehatan or healing to the individual unable to care for their own health when have the strength, power and knowledge. While the results of nursing workshop in January 1983 (Setianingsih, 2003) formulated the definition of nursing is a form of health care based on nursing knowledge and tips targeted at individuals, families, communities both diseased and healthy from birth to death. Service activities include efforts to improve health, disease prevention, health restoration and maintenance in accordance with the authority, responsibility and the ethics of the nursing profession.
Based on the above it can be concluded that nurses working attitude is action taken by nurses in service activities in accordance with the ethics and the authority of the nursing profession as a manifestation of the tendency to feel satisfied or dissatisfied with job
. Work Attitude Factors
Blum And Naylor (Aniek, 2005) argues that the factors that affect work attitude is:
a. Working conditions.
Work situation that includes the physical environment or social environment that ensures the work will affect comfort. A sense of comfort and quality will affect the morale of employees.
b. Supervision of superiors.
A leader is to supervise employees properly and attentively in general affect the attitudes and employee morale.
c. Cooperation from coworkers.
The existence of a co-worker who can work together will be very supportive of quality and achievement in completing the work.
d. Security.
The existence of a sense of security that is created and maintained an environment that will ensure and increase the feeling of security.
e. Opportunity to advance.
Guarantee a better future in terms of career promotion and guarantee of good old days.
f. Working facilities
Availability of facilities used in the work of employees.
g. Salary
asa happy to return for a given company either in the form of basic salary, allowances and so on that will influence the attitudes of employees in completing the work.
Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the factors that influence employees' attitudes are the working conditions, supervision of superiors, co-operation from co-workers, security, opportunity for advancement, working facilities and wage / salary
3. Supporting aspects of the Work Attitudes
Osada (2000), describes those aspects that support the work attitude of employees. These aspects of work behavior is divided into 5 important things, namely:
a. Sorting (Seiri)
Sorting means sorting out everything with a rule or principle. Steps should be taken is to divide everything into groups according to their order of importance and share them with deciding what is important and what is very important. Segregation is the basis of work attitude.
b. Structuring (Seiton)
The arrangement aims to eliminate the search process. Priority is the elimination of the search process and functional management in a way based on how much can be saved in thought / brain and act quickly.
c. Cleaning (Seiso)
Cleanup is one form of examination. Cleaning is preferred in the examination of the actions taken and created a working attitude that has no defect or blemish. The principle is the examination and the level of cleanliness.
d. Stabilization (seiketsu)
Stabilization means continuously and repeatedly to maintain segregation, structuring and cleaning .. The principle of strengthening the innovation and self-management to achieve and maintain the conditions that have been established so that it can act quickly.
e. Habituation (Shitsuke)
Habituation means instilling the ability to do things the right way.The principle used is to create an appropriate work attitudes and behavior through good habits that will employees can work properly and comply with regulations.
Based on the above description it can be concluded that these aspects of work that supports the position include sorting, organizing, cleaning, stabilization and conditioning. The goal is to create an appropriate work attitude and good habits of good behavior so that employees can work smoothly and comply with regulations.
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