Senin, 02 April 2012

Traditional medicine Chicken Pox

 Traditional medicine Chickenpox - Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by infection with varicella-zoster virus.Transmission can be through the air, respiratory fluid, or skincontact with smallpox patients. (wikipedia).

Symptoms of Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is usually characterized by mild fever, headache, runny nose, poor appetite, and the appearance of red spots on the skin ofa bubble-shaped and filled with fluid (rash). The rash is usually itchyand painful.

Many people believe that chicken pox will only attack once a lifetime, but chicken pox can affect anyone, including those thathave been exposed to chicken though, despite the odds.

Chicken Pox Treatment
To treat people with chickenpox, consider the following tips:
- Bathing with warm water.
- Sprinkle anti-itch powder on the skin exposed to smallpox.
- Change clothes more often.
- Do not scratch the affected part of smallpox.

Traditional medicine Chicken Pox
To treat chicken pox, can use the following prescription herbalmedicine:

Chickenpox drug (Topical)
For external usage, use a mixture of turmeric to taste with tamarind leaves which had been washed and polished. Then apply on the skin of the chicken pox.

Smallpox Drugs (Oral)
To oral medication, can use 2 ripe noni fruit juice that has been on.Then drink the potion as much as 2 times a day.

May the traditional prescription of chickenpox is useful for those of you who were having chicken pox.

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